Tuesday, April 13, 2010

An Intelligent Fitting Room Using Multi-Camera Perception

not yet...

In An Intelligent Fitting Room Using Multi-Camera Perception, the researchers present a new way for evaluating which clothes to buy in a physical shopping situation. The system is made to be placed right outside of fitting rooms (not in the area where you actually change clothes, but in the lobby). The system consists of multiple cameras that can capture the user from multiple angles, as well as three screens. The center screen is for showing the current image of the user (just like a mirror). The left screen is for showing the past image of the user wearing the last thing that they tried on. This image will animate and change in real time with the movements of the user, so that if they turn around to see the back of their body, they can see what their back looked like with the past clothing as well. And lastly, the right screen is for showing social networking information based on the clothing being tried on. The cameras can identify the clothing, pull up information from a social fashion network, and show images of other people wearing similar clothing in order to see if the clothes are in style or not. The image below shows the construction of the system:

And the image below shows the prototype used to test the system:

The recognition system recognized user poses that were hard coded into the system, and recognized clothes based on texture, color, sleeves, collar, and other things.

This system seems like it would be really awesome and really help the shopping experience go by a lot quicker. And, the idea that advertisements could be played on the screen while there is no one using it would definitely appeal to stores. But, it seems like it would be an extremely expensive addition to current stores, and probably could only be afforded by expensive boutique stores - the kind that look almost empty and only have 4 or 5 outfits to choose from, making it useless anyway.


  1. This is pretty cool. Not necessarily super useful but I like the idea. I bet we will see some fancy high end boutique in LA pick up something like this in the next 5 years.

  2. That's an interesting idea.
    I just went clothes shopping with my parents this weekend so it's funny that I'm reading this now.

    I'd like a system where the cameras would be able to look at you and provide your size for every kind of clothes for all different brands.

    THAT would make shopping SO much easier.

    This thing would probably be pretty expensive. I could also see how this would get pretty annoying with ads running all the time and retarded stuff coming through the social networks window.
